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Smexy, Sweet, Western & Paranormal… My Typical Reading List

I’ve read a few books recently, which I’ve dutifully reviewed on both Goodreads and Amazon, because, hey, I’m a writer, and I understand how important those reviews are. Even as a reader, I understand the importance of reviews. They are more often than not the determining factor in whether I purchase a particular book.

Since I am so aware of the importance of reviews, and I love to support my fellow writers, I decided to blog about those reviews, so that you, too, could read them. And maybe buy one or two (or four).

This is what I read:

1. A delicious, dirty, utterly smexy book with an oh-so-sweet ending.

2. A sweet romance with a surprisingly naughty slant towards the end.

3. A paranormal with fascinating concepts and plenty of intriguing backstory that could be weaved into future books.

4. My first western romance. In fact, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything at all historical.

Yeah, no one can put my reading habits into a perfect little shoebox.

The first was Taint, by @MrsSLJ. I knew nothing at all about this author prior to a few months ago. This read is proof that blog tours work. Oh yeah, and hot covers. And catchy blurbs. “My name is Justice Drake and I’m going to teach you how to f*ck your husbands.” What? That outrageously sexy guy smirking at me from the cover is going to teach me how to get it on with my hubs? Ohh…. how? I mean, my God, I had to read it after that.

I wasn’t disappointed. In fact, I only finished it two weeks ago, and I am already giving serious thought to reading it again. I can only think of two other books that had this affect — The final Harry Potter, and the first in @KatieMacAlister‘s dragon series. (Maybe it’s just guys named Drake who do it for me. While there wasn’t a Drake in HP, there was a Draco. Close, right?)

Let me see, what’s the best way to review this one…? It made me laugh out loud, it made my heart ache, and it made me hot. A book that can provoke all those emotions at once? Bring it. You should read this book if you like spicy, if you like seriously alpha males, if you have a soft spot for assholes… who aren’t really assholes. And if you like innocent, imperfect, yet utterly adorable heroines, this is also the book for you. In case you need another six billion opinions on the matter, here’s the Goodreads link.

The next book was Sweet Dreams, by @jsenhaji13. It’s her debut novel, and it’s definitely sweet. But keep reading, because just about the time you think this is one of those closed doors romances, bam, she hits you with the sex scenes. Juicy, graphic sex scenes. Still, it is a very sweet romance, and while you will be annoyed with the hero and heroine for not figuring it out sooner, you will also be so happy for them when they finally do. Because they are just such sweet people, and really should be together.

Bonus to this book: the author does a wonderful job pulling you into the scenes. We travel with the heroine from a small town in California to the gorgeous countryside in Italy and a few places in between, and I now have such a vivid picture in my head that I am certain I will recognize these places, if I am ever lucky enough to someday visit.

If sweet, gentle romance with a heavy dose of sex (once they finally get around to it!) is your reading taste, try Jennifer Senhaji’s book, Sweet Dreams.

My next read was a paranormal, Raven Falling, by @mistileemurphy. I love a good paranormal read. I love forming pictures in my head of the worlds the author weaves. And many (most?) paranormals  seem to have some sort of twist that I usually don’t see coming. This one had several (although I admit, I guessed one of them!). It keeps you turning the pages all the way to the end, because you just know something big is about to happen… And you will not be disappointed. Just be prepared: It’s a bit of a cliffhanger. BUT, I have it on good authority that the author is diligently working away on the second installment in the series.

If you like paranormal, and are intrigued by the concepts of heaven and hell (and don’t mind your preconceived notions getting tossed out the window), I suggest reading Misti Murphy’s Raven Falling.

The final book on my completed reading list is a western romance. @HaleyWhitehall recently released Wild and Tender Care, a historical romance about a half-breed doctor and a forced-to-be-reformed madam, who, despite their differences, manage to fall in love. I love books with flawed characters whose flaws just make them stronger as individuals. This book definitely had that aspect.

If you enjoy sweet romance, if you enjoy reading about an attractive and adorable hero and a strong heroine, you will enjoy this book. If you like historicals or westerns, even better. Wild and Tender Care can be purchased here.

Well, that was my reading list for the past couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to what I’ll unearth over the next few weeks. Tell me, what are you reading now? Maybe that will be MY next read…

Like this post? You’ll probably love my books, which you can check out by clicking the links at the top of the page. And check back next weekend, when I join a blog tour – A Week of Wands, Fangs & Wings. Each day, I’ll have a new post, featuring paranormal reads from eight different authors. And there’ll be a prize: enter to win a copy of every single book featured on the blog that week. Totally worth checking back next week!

Thank you!


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